I have just extended the expiry date for my PGP keys. I'm sorry I did the chage a bit late and let the key be expired for some days.
My PGP keys for encrypted email, SSH logins and encryption/signing of other things had an expiry date this June.
That's how I set it up when I in 2018 started using smart cards.
Since all changes involving change on private keys have to be done on a fully offline setup I had a tendency to postpone the work.
The keys were therefore allowed to be expired for some days this month before I got to fixing it by extending the expire dates.
But now all should be OK again.
The PGP keys have a new expiry date set to 19th of June 2022.
I also added the email address I use at my new job at Faktisk.no – oyvind@faktisk.no – by adding a new userid connected with the key.
Here are the basic facts about the key (including the fingerprint which has not changed):
4096R/0xBA3721AF33FB6D2A 2016-05-28 [expires: 2022-06-19]
Key fingerprint = D901 EA75 C112 A105 2AD9 90B3 BA37 21AF 33FB 6D2A
uid Øyvind Bye Skille – oyvind.bye.skille @ nrk.no
uid Øyvind Bye Skille – oyvind @ byeskille.no
uid Øyvind Bye Skille – oyvind @ byeskille.net
uid Øyvind Bye Skille – oyvind @ faktisk.no
If you want to communicate in encrypted form, you will find the updated key here.
Or you can update the key from a key server or keybase.
You can also use other encrypted methods to reach out to me if PGP email is a bit cumbersome. Check this list of methods.